The tomb from which the mummies were taken probably belonged to a magistrate of the 18th dynasty.

On April 18, 2017, a sarcophagus found in a tomb near Luxor.
A tomb from the pharaonic era in southern Egypt has revealed several fabulous discoveries:8 mummies, brightly colored wooden sarcophagi and a thousand funerary figurines. This archaeological discovery was announced Tuesday, April 18, 2017 by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. The tomb, near the city of Luxor and the Valley of the Kings, probably belonged to Userhat:this magistrate of the 18th dynasty (1550–1295 BC) bore the title of "judge of the city". The burial must have been reused a few centuries later in the 21st Dynasty to house other mummies.
"There are about eight mummies, but there are other fragments that indicate there may be more in the future"
"It was a surprise to discover so many items inside:clay utensils bearing the name of the tomb owner, several sarcophagi and mummies, as well as more than a thousand ouchebti", small funerary statuettes placed in the tombs to replace the dead in the chores of the afterlife, said the Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany, during a visit to the tomb organized for the press. "This is an important discovery, and it's not over" , rejoices the one who gave an exclusive interview to Sciences et Avenir in May 2016. "There are about six mummies, but there are other fragments which indicate that we could have more in the future" , ministry spokeswoman Nevine el-Aref told AFP. Egypt recently gave the green light to several archaeological projects in the hope of seeing new discoveries in the field, like the Scan Pyramids mission, officially launched on October 25, 2015, and which studies in particular the Great Pyramid of Cheops.