It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of the Dr. Larissa Bonfante , professor emeritus at New York University, on August 23, 2019. Larissa Bonfante was a true eminence in the field of Etruscology and the classical world, disciplines to whose study she devoted most of her life. She was born in Naples in 1931 into a family of researchers (her father was Giuliano Bonfante, a well-known linguist) and she studied at different universities in the United States, completing her doctorate on Etruscan clothing at Columbia University; her work that was published in 1975 and republished in 2003. In her long scientific career, she has left us numerous essential works and publications as relevant as Etruscan Life and Aferlife. A handbook of Etruscan Studies (1986), The Etruscan Language. An Introduction (2002) or The Barbarians of Ancient Europe:Realities and Interactions (2013). Last year we had the great pleasure of having her participate in the issue of Archeology and History #21:The Etruscans , with an article in which she analyzed Etruscan society, families, their aristocracy and their prestigious assets. That is why we can affirm that she has left us a great researcher, but, above all, she has left us a very kind, attentive and extremely generous woman, whom we will miss very much. Rest in peace.