If in our no. 2 The underworld of Rome, we dealt with the sex business in Pompeii at that time, here we present two exhibitions on eroticism and sex in ancient Rome with which you will discover the habits and customs of that time, considered later, especially in the Middle Ages, libertine and even aberrant. The exhibitions address sexual practices from the point of view of eroticism, symbology, gods... Do you want to know where and when you can visit them?
- In Mérida, at the National Museum of Roman Art
you will find the exhibition “Sex, nude and eroticism in Emérita Augusta” (March 1, 2015 to February 29 of 2016). The exhibition focuses on sexuality in the Roman city of Emérita Augusta through four fundamental aspects:the magical character of the sexual attribute, the nude image, the gods of love and sexual relations, and eroticism itself.
- In Empurias, at the headquarters of the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC), you can discover "Sex in Roman times" thanks to a set of pieces dating from the time of the Republic to the fourth century housed in museums Catalans. Through the exhibition, it is possible to learn about aspects such as sex in marriage, different ways of making love, extramarital relationships, the art of seduction, and the sexuality of the gods. They have guided and dramatized tours.
As always, if you know of any exhibition or activity on this topic, don't hesitate to comment!