Ancient history

Paeonia | historical region

Paeonia , the country of Paeonians, originally including the entire Axius (Vardar) river valley and surrounding areas, in what is now Northern Greece , Macedonia and Western Bulgaria . The Paeonians, who were probably of mixed Thracian-Illyrian origin, were overthrown by the Persian invasion (490 v. ) Weakened , and the am River Strymon (in Western Bulgaria) living tribes fell under Thracian control. The growth of Macedonia forced the remaining Paeonians north, and 358 v. Were from Philip II. From Macedonia defeated . The native Dynasty However, continued to be highly regarded:around 289 v King Audoleon received Athenian citizenship and his daughter married pyrrhic , the king of Epirus. Under the Romans, Paeonia was included in the second and third districts of the province of Macedonia. To 400 n . Chr . However, the Paeonians had lost their identity, and Paeonia was merely a geographical term.