Ancient history

End of reign

To restore the prestige of royalty and feed the countryside of Flanders, Philippe le Bel accepted in 1314 a series of fiscal, financial and monetary reforms prepared by Marigny. On November 24, however, while hunting in the forest of Pont-Sainte Maxence, the king was struck with a kind of paralysis which rendered him unable to speak. Brought back to Poissy, he is transported to Fontainebleau where, as he started it, he wants to end his life. To his son and successor Louis, soon to be Louis X le Hutin, who witnessed his last moments on November 29, the king addressed his final recommendations concerning the government:"Weigh, Louis, weigh what it is to be king of France.

Thus ended one of the most important reigns in the history of France, marking a real turning point, the rupture of the spiritual and the temporal, the birth of a national policy. Philippe IV le Bel takes his place among the creators of a powerful, independent and centralized French monarchy.

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