Millennium History

History of Europe

  • “Να ρίξουμε; Όχι! Συμμαχικά είναι!”:Μαρτυρία εθνοφρουρού του ’74 – ΜΕΡΟΣ 2ο

    Το βράδυ της 19ης Ιουλίου, ημέρα Παρασκευή, παραμονή της εισβολής, γυρίζαμε με λαντ-ρόβερ όλα τα Κάτω Φυλάκια (2ος Λόχος) μαζί με τον Υπ/γό Δαμιανίδη Χρήστο, διοικητή Λόχου Διοικήσεως, που έδινε αυστηρές οδηγίες στους άνδρες των φυλακίων να μην πυροβολούν προς τον Τ/Κ θύλακα, και ότι σε περίπτωση πο

  • Spartacus' ancient "Locatzis"...the ridicule of Rome

    The battle on Mount Vesuvius was the first major conflict of the so-called Third Slave War. It was also the first clash of Spartacus rebels with regular Roman troops in which the brilliant Thrax showed his strategic genius. Spartacus, according to Plutarch, was a Thrax descended from the race of the

  • The attack and occupation of the Kalampaki hill... Cyprus 1974 – PART 3

    It must have been around 3:00 p.m. when the 3rd company, under the command of Deputy Athanasios Mamalis, set out to take up positions in front of the Kalampaki hill to attack and capture the hill that unlocked the Turkish enclave of Agyrtas - Kioneli from the west. Together with Minister Damianidis

  • Ένας στρατός ελεύθερων ανδρών τσακίζει τον ανατολίτικο δεσποτισμό 479 π.Χ.

    Μετά την καταστροφική ήττα του στόλου του στην Σαλαμίνα ο Ξέρξης αποχώρησε με τον όγκο του στρατού του από την Ελλάδα αφήνοντας τον στρατηγό του και γαμβρό του Μαρδόνιο, με 300.000, να υποτάξει την Ελλάδα. Ο τελευταίος υποχώρησε στον βοιωτικό κάμπο και διαχείμασε εκεί. Οι Έλληνες κινήθηκαν επίσης πρ

  • Treason:"The Turks are beating Cyprus, we are Greece"... PART 4

    From Kefalovrysos of Lapithos we marched west until we arrived after the Harama in Vasileia where the rest of the battalion had already arrived. At a distance of not more than a kilometer from the coast, a Turkish destroyer (perhaps the one that attacked us the day before?) was coming and going and

  • Cyprus 1974:From Attila II to the Bitter End – PART 5

    Before the first light of day dawned, artillery bursts were heard from the Turkish side... The talks in Geneva had broken down a few hours earlier and the Turks were putting into action their plans to occupy the entire northern part of the island , starting the second phase of the Turkish invasion..

  • They find Mycenaean findings, the Albanians christen them "Illyrian"

    An important discovery came to light after a recent archaeological dig by the Archaeological Service of Avlona. There is talk of burial mounds and burial monuments, which go back to the late Bronze Age around the 15th - 12th BC. century, which are located in the coastal area of ​​Himara and as usual

  • The other Greece exists... The elementary school students "fighters" of Rupel (VIDEO)

    The other Greece, the one that doesnt erect statues of heroes, that doesnt parade as a neurotic punk in parades, the one that respects its history that still exists. This is what students of the 2nd Primary School of Sidirokastro teach. The 2nd Primary School of Sidirokastro took part in a stude

  • Η μάχη του Μικρού Χωριού Ευρυτανίας κατά των Ιταλών, 18 Δεκεμβρίου 1942

    Rastrellare στα ιταλικά σημαίνει χτένισμα, εκκαθάριση. Για μια τέτοια επιχείρηση εκκαθάρισης (rastrellamento), που πήρε και το κωδικό όνομα «Operazioni K», ξεκίνησαν, στις 3 Δεκεμβρίου 1942, από τις βάσεις εκκίνησής τους, διάφορες ενισχυμένες φάλαγγες που έφεραν τα ονόματα των διοικητών τους (Branca

  • Marathon 490 BC The Mystery of the Persian Cavalry, Why Didn't He Fight?

    An issue that has occupied the various scholars of the eponymous battle of Marathon for centuries concerns the presence and action of the Persian cavalry in the battle of Marathon. Much has been said about this particular subject, from the fact that the Persians did not even have cavalry, until the

  • The heroes, "cowards" and traitors of the titanic battle of Thermopylae... (vid.)

    The battle of Thermopylae is a catalytic conflict in world history. It is an eternal example of bravery and self-sacrifice. Thermopylae is intertwined with the name of Leonidas and the 300 Spartans. However, in the final fight the Spartans were not alone. The early sources do not agree on either the

  • Φάλαγγα, δορυφόροι και άρματα… Η πρωτομυκηναϊκή πολεμική μηχανή

    Οι Έλληνες της μυκηναϊκής εποχής είχαν οργανώσει την τελειότερη στρατιωτική μηχανή στον τότε γνωστό κόσμο. Ο Μυκηναϊκός Στρατός απαρτιζόταν από τα όπλα του πεζικού και του ιππικού. Το δεύτερο περιελάμβανε στις τάξεις του άρματα μάχης και αργότερα και ιππείς, με τη κλασική έννοια του όρου. Το πεζικό

  • KYRENIA 1974... The 286 MKTP and the counterattack that finally decided the result

    The Battle of Cyprus in 1974 was decided in the two days of July 20-22, when the Greek forces, failed to eliminate the Turkish bridgehead at Pendemili in Kyrenia. This failure was a function of many factors, but basically it had to do with the inadequacy of the means available for the purpose. The m

  • Here, Greek children... now the fight is in favor of everything:For the Freedom of Greece!

    Xerxes, after his magnificent victory at Thermopylae, gathered his army and moved south. His goal was the conquest of Athens, in the first phase and the Peloponnese afterwards. Athens was the second most powerful Greek city, and the Persian king rightly believed that its subjugation would greatly we

  • Battle of the river banks example... destruction of Germans by Belisarius

    After the defeat of his forces at the Battle of Decimus, the Vandal king Gelimeros, at the head of his surviving men, moved south-west towards Mauritania. The morale of the army had fallen to such an extent that it did not even attempt to overthrow the few buccalarians (elite Byzantine horsemen) of

  • Η βυζαντινή “μάχη των Θερμοπυλών”… Πραγματικός των βαρβάρων αφανισμός

    Ο ιστορικός τόπος των Θερμοπυλών κατέστη πεδίο μάχης όχι μόνο στη διάσημη σύγκρουση του 480 π.Χ. αλλά αρκετές ακόμα φορές στην ιστορία. Το 996 μ.Χ. the Bulgarians, under Tsar Samuel, taking advantage of the involvement of the emperor Vasilios Bulgaroktonos with the Arabs, besieged Thessaloniki. Howe

  • Διονύσιος Συρακουσών:Το ελληνικό “πυροβολικό” τσακίζει τους Καρχηδόνιους

    Στις αρχές του 4ου αιώνα π.Χ. οι Έλληνες της Σικελίας πολεμούσαν για μια ακόμη φορά κατά των προαιώνιων αντιπάλων τους, των Καρχηδονίων. Ο Διονύσιος των Συρακουσών, αυτή τη φορά επιθυμούσε να προετοιμάσει όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερα τις ελληνικές δυνάμεις. Πέραν όμως των κλασσικών όπλων οι μηχανικοί του

  • Δαμιέτη 853 μ.Χ. Μια καταπληκτική βυζαντινή καταδρομική επιχείρηση

    Τον 9ο αι. A.D. οι πόλεμοι Βυζαντίου – Αράβων συνεχίζονταν με αμείωτη ένταση. Γενικά ήταν μια περίοδος που οι Άραβες είχαν εν πολλοίς το πάνω χέρι, κατά το κοινώς λεγόμενο. Αυτός ήταν και ο λόγος που οι Βυζαντινοί σχεδίασαν και εκτέλεσαν μια «καταδρομική» επιχείρηση, στην καρδιά του εχθρικού εδάφους

  • Hyssias 669 BC Pheidon's Argive hoplites humiliate the Spartans

    The largely unknown battle of the Hysias took place in 669 (or 668) BC. in the homonymous region of Argolis between Argives and Spartans and was an event of enormous importance for political and especially military developments in the Greek area. Hysias, according to the traveler Pausanias, was

  • Army of the Ebro 1923:Could Constantinople be taken?

    The overwhelming majority of Greek public opinion believes that after the Asia Minor disaster of 1922, the Treaty of Lausanne was signed which has defined the Greek-Turkish borders from 1923 until today. However, as we have mentioned in many articles, from the Asia Minor disaster at the end of Augus

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