Six million murdered Polish citizens. Villages and cities burned and razed to the ground. Plundered property and works of art worth tens of billions of zlotys. This is what the "Balance of Injuries" inflicted on Poles by German criminals looks like.
They argued that they would bring order to people incapable of self-control. They proclaimed that they were waging a just war for their lands that were stolen and deceitfully stolen. They ridiculed the "Slavic mess", arguing that the subhumans from the East could learn true culture only from them. They lied. From Germany they brought not civilization but genocide.
The truth about the horror of the German occupation in the book by Dariusz Kaliński entitled "Balance of harms" . Today order your copy at
Six million Polish citizens killed in hostilities, caught in the streets and murdered like animals, starved, sent to camps with the sole purpose of extermination. Plunder of national property, destruction of cities, appropriation of culture. Slave labor, the destruction of consciousness and plans to exterminate the entire Polish nation. The enormity of unpaid grievances eludes evaluation and description.
Dariusz Kaliński - author of the best-selling Red Plague - he writes openly and without fear about the times when a Pole was not a human for a German. And he is not afraid to ask what is the balance of the wickedness done to Poland really.