History of Europe

For a coin, feel the electricity!

The Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) invented the electric battery in 1800. With a stack of zinc and copper discs, separated by cardboard discs moistened with an electrolyte, and joined at their ends by an external circuit, Volta managed, for the first time, to produce continuous electric current at will.

Joining this invention the experiments of the last century of the French Cisternay Dufay , maintainer of the royal gardens of Versailles at the court of Louis XV, and the Rev. Jean-Antoine Nollet relating to the human body as an electrical conductor and adding a pinch of mischief and a certain degree of verbiage, there were people who knew how to make a living.

A coin and feel the electricity! the charlatans shouted at fairs and places where they could attract "customers".

With a low-voltage battery and the help of his verbiage, the curious were attracted to his position and, after paying a coin, they were invited to take each of the two poles (anode and cathode) with their hands; his body felt «the thrill of electricity «. If they were capable of this, how could they not sell my mother the "bailaora" that we had for many years on top of the television set. It's been a few years since I got rid of it. Don't suffer.

Image:History of inventions.

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