History of South America

National Liberation Alliance

The Alliance National Liberator (ANL) was a political organization founded by the Communist Party of Brazil in 1935.

The public manifesto of the Aliança, read in the Chamber of Deputies on January 17, 1935 by deputy Gilberto Gabeira, representative of the workers, expressed the people's indignation regarding the political and economic situation in Brazil resulting from the government of Getúlio Vargas.


The organization arises when a group of intellectuals and military, socialists and communists discontented with the government of Getúlio Vargas, meets and begins to prepare the bases to fight against fascism, imperialism and integralism, which was the main objective of the then president. Vargas. It is important to mention that the Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB), a political organization with fascist bases, created in 1932, had the support of Vargas.

Luis Carlos Ready , known as the “Knight of Hope”, was the honorary president of the ALN and was well known, since between 1925 and 1927 he had led the Coluna Prestes movement, a struggle against the elites. Thus, in a short time, the alliance gains allies as thousands of citizens join the ANL. Subsequently, conflicts between integralists and allianceists become frequent, as the members of the AIB and ANL are known respectively.

The allianceists' activity lasted a few months, as the alliance became illegal in July 1935, after an exalted speech by Carlos Prestes, in which he proposed the overthrow of the government.

Through this agitation initiated by Prestes, the president of the republic, who fears the popularity of the Alliance, orders the organization to be closed on the basis of the National Security Law - called the “Monster Law” by the opposition.

ANL Political Program

  1. Suspension of payment of Brazil's external debt
  2. Fighting landowners and imperialism
  3. Defense of agrarian reform
  4. Nationalization of foreign companies
  5. Guarantee of Democracy
  6. Constitution of a popular government
See also:Exercises on the Vargas Era

Communist Intent

In November 1935, Carlos Prestes plans a coup to the government, known as Intentona Comunista. Consisting of a movement that took place in Rio Grande do Norte, Recife and Rio de Janeiro, it lasted 4 days and ended with the arrest of its members, including Carlos Prestes.

Learn more about the period when Getúlio Vargas ruled Brazil in the Vargas Era.

See also:Revolution of 1930