Millennium History

History of Asia

  • Rashtrakuta Ruler Sharva 'Amoghvarsha' I ((Rashtrakuta Ruler Sharva 'Amoghvarsha' I, 814-878 AD)

    After the death of Govind III, his youngest son, Sharva Amoghvarsha, succeeded the Rashtrakuta kingdom in the first 814 AD. At the time of his ascension, he was only 6 years old, while according to some scholars he became king at the age of 16. Due to his youth, he ruled for many years under the pat

  • Chalukya Dynasty

    A significant series of political decentralization began throughout the Indian peninsula in the middle of the 6th century AD. At the time when many independent states emerged after the fall of the Gupta Empire in northern India, at the same time many new independent states emerged in the south as we

  • Chalukya Dynasty of Badami:Early Rulers

    The original branch of the Chalukya dynasty that dominated the Dakshinapatha from the middle of the 6th century to the middle of the 8th century AD, grew and developed at Badami (Bagalkot district) in present-day Karnataka. Vatapi). Hence this branch of Chalukyas is called Vatapi or Chalukyas of Bad

  • Pulakeshin II, 610-642 AD (Pulakeshin II, 610-642 AD)

    Pulakesin II was the greatest ruler of the Chalukya dynasty. He was the son of Kirtivarman I who had succeeded to the throne of the Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi by killing his uncle Mangalesh and his supporters. The copper plate of Pulakeshin II of Hyderabad dates back to Saka Samvat 534 (612 AD) whic

  • Chalukya of Vatapi After Pulakeshin II

    The history of the Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi for about thirteen years after the defeat and death of Pulakeshin II around AD 642-43 is covered with ambiguity and uncertainty. In this interval, only one inscription has been found from Vatapi, which is of the 13th year (642-43 AD) of the Pallava king

  • Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-1

    A branch of the Chalukyas also flourished in Kalyani or Kalyana in the late 10th century. At that time the political situation in Dakshinapatha was constantly changing. The Rashtrakuta Empire was in shambles due to continuous invasions by the Paramara rulers of Malwa and Krishna IIIs weak successors

  • Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-2

    Satyasraya, 997-1008 AD (Satyasraya, 997-1008 AD.) After Tailap II, his eldest son Satyashraya became the king in 997 AD. She Ahvamall, Aklankacharitra and Irivbedung (Unparalleled in penetrating enemies) as opposed to wearing. Him Satig and Sattim Also stated. Satyashrayas victories and achie

  • Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-3

    Someshwar Pratham, 1042-1068 E. (Someshwara I, 1042-1068 AD.) After Jai Singh II, his son Someshwar I ascended the throne in 1042 AD. He was one of the greatest rulers of this dynasty. Someshwara I made Kalyani his capital in place of Manyakhet. According to Vilhan, during his reign, he decorated

  • Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-4

    Vikramaditya VI , 1076-1126 AD. (Vikramaditya VI, 1076-1126 AD.) Vikramaditya VI did not get the throne in natural succession, but having forcibly usurped it from his elder brother Someshwara II he ascended the throne in 1076 AD. was king in 1900 (Somesvaratbahubalena rajyamgrahitavanaarjita kirtil

  • Vengi's (Eastern) Chalukya Dynasty

    The ancient Chalukya kingdom of Vengi was mainly spread over the area between the Krishna and Godavari rivers. Its capital was at Vengi (Vengipur), which is equated with the present-day Peddavegi located in the Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The Chalukya dynasty of Vengi emerged as a branch of

  • गुप्तकालीन कला और स्थापत्य (Gupta Art and Architecture)

    कला, अभीष्ट दिव्यता की प्राप्ति का और उसके साथ एकाकार हो जाने का पवित्रतम् साधन है। कलाओं ने धर्म की कठोरता को मृदुल बनाने में सहायता की है। गुप्तकाल में कला की विविध विधाओं जैसे वास्तु, मूर्तिकला, चित्रकला, मृद्भांड कला आदि में अभूतपूर्व प्रगति हुई। गुप्तकालीन कला के विकास में अनेक मौलिक तत्व देखे

  • गुप्तकालीन साहित्यिक एवं वैज्ञानिक प्रगति (Literary and Scientific Progress in Gupta Period)

    साहित्यिक विकास की दृष्टि से गुप्तकाल बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि इस समय संस्कृत को आधिकारिक भाषा स्वीकार कर लिया गया और गुप्त नरेशों ने अपने अभिलेखों को संस्कृत में उत्कीर्ण करवाया। गुप्तकाल को श्रेष्ठ कवियों का काल माना जाता है। कुछ कवियों की कोई कृति प्राप्त नहीं है, किंतु अभिलेखों से उनके संबंध

  • Evaluation of Gupta Age

    Gupta era represents an era of Indian history in which unprecedented progress was made in every field of civilization and culture and Indian culture reached the culmination of its zenith. Political unity was established during this period of great emperors; Literature, science and art flourished, In

  • भारत में हूण सत्ता का उत्थान-पतन (Rise and Fall of Hun Power in India)

    हूण मध्य एशिया की एक खानाबदोश (यायावर) बर्बर जाति थी। हूण जाति ने 165 ई.पू. में चीन की पश्चिमी सीमा पर निवास करनेवाली यू-ची जाति को पराजितकर अपना मूल निवासस्थान छोड़ने पर बाध्य किया।  इसके बाद हूण मंगोलिया से पश्चिम की ओर बढ़ते हुए दो धाराओं में विभक्त हो गये- एक, पश्चिमी शाखा, जिसने वोल्गा की राह प

  • Vallabhi's Maitrak

    Gupta During the decadent period of the dynasty, an atmosphere of instability and anarchy also arose along with the vacuum in North Indian politics. The invasions of the various Hun leaders Toraman and Mihirkul and the rise of Yashodharman of Malwa inflicted a severe blow on the Gupta Empire. As a r

  • Aulikar Dynasty of Malwa and Yashodharman

    In the middle of the fifth century, Malwa was ruled by the Aulikar dynasty as feudatories of the Gupta Empire. At this time the power of the Guptas had weakened and Malwa was a victim of political instability due to the invasion of the Vakatakas and the Hunas. Records show that Adityavardhana had au

  • उत्तरगुप्त राजवंश (कृष्णगुप्त राजवंश) ( Post-Gupta Dynasty, Krishnagupta Dynasty)

    सम्राट गुप्तवंश के अवनति काल में उनके अधीन उत्तर भारत के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में शासन करनेवाले अनेक स्थानीय राजवंश गुप्तों का स्थान लेने के लिए अपनी शक्ति के संवर्धन में लग गये। कुछ सामंत राजवंश मगध और उसके पार्श्ववर्ती क्षेत्रों पर अधिकार स्थापित कर साम्राज्यवादी शक्ति बनने का स्वप्न देखने लगे। ऐसे स

  • Maukhari Dynasty

    Ans- Like the Guptas, Maukhari was also a feudatory of the emperor Gupta dynasty and after the fall of the Guptas, he declared his independence. The Maukharis were originally residents of Gaya, who were feudalists like the post-Gupta dynasty Guptas during the time of the Emperor Gupta dynasty. Later

  • Travel details of Chinese traveler Fahien

    India has been the center of religion, art since ancient times. It has been famous for its extraordinary achievements in the field of politics, civilization and culture. This is the reason why India has always been the center of curiosity for foreigners. A Chinese Buddhist monk named Fahien visited

  • Samudragupta ‘Parakramank’ (Samudragupta Prakramank’)

    After Chandragupta I in 335 AD. in 1900 by the Lichchhavi princess Kumaradevi (Maharajadhiraja Sri Samudragupta, son of Maharajadhiraja Sri Chandragupta, daughter of Lichchhavi, born to Mahadevi Kumaradevi ) ‘Parakramank’ Samudragupta sat on the Gupta throne, which is named among the greatest rulers

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