History quiz

Exercises on Absolutism - with feedback

Question 01 - FUVEST 2004 - Transfer – Absolutism means:
a) form of government in which the monarch is free from the control of other instances.
b) system of government suited to the needs of the industrial bourgeoisie.
c) type of power resulting from religious disputes within the scope of Protestantism.
d) monarchical form of government, restricted to France and whose greatest exponent was Louis XVI.
e) authoritarian regime, which faced constant opposition from the nobility.

Question 02 - MACKENZIE 2003 - Absolutism and mercantilist policy were two parts of a broader system, called the Old Regime. The term was adopted to designate the system whose basic elements were, in addition to absolutism and mercantilism, the estate society and the colonial system. Mark the alternative that correctly expresses a practice of Absolutist States.
a) Religious freedom
b) Political-administrative centralization
c) Weakening of royal power
d) Total abolition of the privileges of the nobility
e) Liberal economic policy
Question 03 - Cesgranrio - 1990 - Luís' phrase, “L'Etat c'est moi” (the state is me), as a definition of the nature of monarchical absolutism, meant:a) The unity of state, civil and religious power, with the creation of a church French (national). b) The superiority of the prince in relation to all social classes, reducing the enriched bourgeoisie to a humble place. c) The submission of the feudal nobility through the elimination of all their fiscal privileges. d) The centralization of the monarch's real and absolute power in his person, without any recognized institutional limits. e) The royal desire to guarantee the State a role of impartial judge in the conflict between the aristocracy and the peasantry.
Question 04 - UTFPR 2007 - Summer - “From the 16th century onwards, the process of development of political structures in Europe led to the existence of a typical form of political organization:national monarchies. It is a form of government in which political power is transmitted hereditary.”
(LOPES, Marcos A. O Absolutismo. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1996, p. 14) According to the text above, the The beginning of the Modern Age is linked to the concentration of power in the hands of the king, whose absolute power found its foundations in (a):A) the will of the majority, expressed in elections.
B) theory of the divine right of kings.
C) political pact signed between parliament and the sovereign.
D) theory of popular sovereignty of political power, represented by the king.
E) subjection of the king to the separation of the three powers.
/>Question 05 - UFNR - European political and economic thought, at the end of the 17th century and in the 18th century, presented a critical aspect of Absolutism and Mercantilism, predominant in Europe, in the Modern Age. Which of the ideas below characterizes this new current of thought? a) Thorough regulation of all aspects of economic life is necessary to ensure national prosperity and metallistic accumulation. b) The State, with the function of police and justice, must be governed by a king, whose authority is sacred and absolute because it emanates from God. c) In order to protect the national economy, each government must intervene in the market, stimulating exports and restricting imports. d) The sovereign's power was unlimited, because it was the result of the spontaneous consent of individuals to avoid the anarchy and violence of the natural state. e) The State, the simple guardian of the law, should interfere little, just to guarantee public liberties and the properties of citizens.
Question 06 - UVA 2010.2 - According to Jacques Bossuet, philosopher defending absolutism;
A. Historical events are primarily determined by the conditions of material life in relation to each society to which they are linked.
B. It is the heroes who lead history
C. History is led by Divine Providence
D. Historical events are fundamentally the result of manifestations of our state of mind, conditioned by social groups.
Question 07 - Faap - 1996 - Mainly from the 16th century onwards, several authors began to develop theories, justifying royal power. They are the coroners, who, through lay or religious doctrines, try to legalize absolutism. One of them is Machiavelli:he asserts that the ruler's supreme obligation is to maintain the power and security of the country he governs. For this he must use all available means, since “the ends justify the means” he professed his ideas in the famous work:a) “Leviathan” b) “On the law of peace and war” c) “Republic” d) “ Politics According to the Holy Scriptures” e) “The Prince”
Question 08 - FUVEST 2001 - “It is practically impossible to train all the subjects of a [State] in the arts of war and at the same time keep them obedient to the laws and the magistrates.” (Jean Bodin, theorist of absolutism, in 1578). This statement reveals that the main reason European monarchies resorted to recruiting foreign mercenaries on a large scale was due to the need to:a) get more soldiers from the bourgeoisie, the class that supported the king. b) complete the ranks of armies with more efficient professional soldiers. c) disarm the nobility and prevent it from leading the other classes against the king. d) keep peasants and urban workers unarmed and prevent revolts. e) disarm the bourgeoisie and control the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the nobility.
Question 09 - UDESC 2008 - It is correct to say, in relation to absolutism:A) Individual liberties and the preservation of the rights achieved by serfs were characteristics of the absolutist period. B) The first revolution of a bourgeois character and against absolutism took place in France. C) Religious and inter-church disputes were in no way related to absolutist practices. D) In ​​France, the Enlightenment philosophers were overwhelmingly in favor of absolutist politics. E) The period of absolutist practices was longer in France than in England.
Question 10 - FEI 1994 - The famous phrase attributed to Louis XIV:"I am the State", defines:a) absolutism; b) the enlightenment, c) liberalism; d) the patriotism of the king;
Question 11 - FUVEST 2017 - Transfer – Essentially, absolutism was just that:a relocated and reinforced feudal apparatus of domination, designed to subject the peasant masses to their traditional social position. P. Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1998. Perry Anderson's interpretation of absolutism
a) reinforces the articulation between the monarchical powers and the European bourgeoisie, in the context of colonial expansion.
b) presents the role of layers peasants and their articulations with the feudal nobility in the assembly of the State.
c) points out the transitory character of the State as a result of the balance of forces between the clergy and the bourgeoisie.
d) proves the enlightened feature of the monarchies in the context of the transition to capitalism.
e) highlights the feudal permanences in the context of the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age.
Question 12 - FGV 1996 - About Absolutism in England, it is NOT possible to say that:a) It was strengthened with the creation of the Anglican Church. b) It was initiated by Henry VIII, of the Tudor dynasty, and consolidated in the long reign of his daughter Elizabeth I. c) The interventionist mercantilist policy was fundamental for its solidification. d) It was a consequence of the War of the Two Roses, which eliminated thousands of nobles and facilitated the consolidation of the centralized monarchy. e) The king reigned but did not rule, as happened throughout modernity.
INTRODUCTION 01 - A02 - B03 - D04 - B05 - E06 - C 07 - E08 - D09 - E10 - A11 - E12 - E