History quiz

Exercises on Feudal Obligations

question 1

In what way can we see that the relations of serfdom would be marked by the exploitation of the peasants' labor force.

question 2

How were feudal obligations justified by the actions of clerics?

question 3

Based on your knowledge of feudal obligations, explain what it was:

a) The corvee

b) The hoist

c) The banalities

question 4

Given the various demands placed on the servant, can we say that he would be the same as a slave? Justify your answer.

answers Question 1

The exploitation of the peasant labor force could be noticed by the hard work routine to which the serfs were subjected. In addition, not being enough to work on the lands of the feudal lord, the peasant was obliged to pay a series of taxes that increased the amount of food to be delivered to the feudal lords. With that, we noticed that the peasants ended up submitting to harsh living conditions to satisfy all these obligations.

question 2

Analyzing several medieval texts, we noticed that the clerics of that time justified the exploitation of the peasant labor force through religious arguments. In this, the Church exposed that each order of feudal society was designated by God to perform a type of function or activity. Thus, the priests, bishops and cardinals of that time said that servants had the function of obeying their feudal lord and performing daily agricultural work.

question 3

GAME A :The corvee was a feudal obligation in which the serf was obliged to work three to four days on the lands of the noble landowner.

GUARANTEE B :It was a tax in which the peasant took part of the production carried out in the meek serf to pass it on to the feudal lord.

CHECK C :The banalities were a series of tributes levied for the use of the feudal lord's facilities and tools within the property. With this charge, the amount of agricultural production to be delivered to the feudal lord grew significantly.

question 4

Not. Even being subjected to a hard work routine, the servant cannot be compared to the slave for a fundamental difference. The slave assumes the condition of a commodity and, for this reason, can be traded by its owner at any time. The serf was linked to the ownership of the lord's lands due to the question of his own economic dependence and the religious discourse used to legitimize this same mode of organization.