History quiz

Exercises on the French Revolution

question 1

(Unicentro) “For the historian, all events, even remote ones, have actuality and life. But this is even more true in the case of the French Revolution of 1789, which transformed the way of life even for those who knew little or know about it, until today. It will not be an exaggeration to say that she helped to shape the contemporary Western world, shaping the institutions and ideals that animate us and that we consider universal.” (GRESPAN, Jorge. French Revolution and Enlightenment . São Paulo:Context, 2003. p. 9.)

About the French Revolution, it is correct to say.

a) The French Revolution took place in the midst of an economic crisis and was the product of revolts by bourgeois, peasants and urban workers.

b) The French Revolution is considered the first Communist Revolution because, to this day, this system shapes institutions in the Western world.

c) It was a revolution commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte, who, influenced by the Enlightenment, organized a coup against Louis XVI.

d) The French Revolution was a movement characterized by terror, organized by the revolutionary Robespierre, in support of the absolutism of Louis XVI.

e) This is a bourgeois revolution, inspired by the Enlightenment and commanded by Robespierre, in which Tsar Nicholas II was executed by guillotine.

question 2

(PUC-RJ) Stretching between 1789 and 1799, the French Revolution was a period of intense political and social experimentation that irreversibly transformed previous ideas and practices, thus establishing a landmark in the history of the western world. Regarding this period, consider the following statements:

I. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen proclaimed the natural freedom and equality of men.

II. The National Constituent Assembly abolished the feudal system, eliminating former privileges of the nobility.

III. The sanction of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy subordinated the church and its priests to the State.

IV. During the Convention, slavery was abolished in the French colonies.


a) If all statements are correct.

b) If only statements I and II are correct.

c) If only statements I, II and III are correct.

d) If only statements II and IV are correct.

e) If only statements I, III and IV are correct.

question 3

(Casper Libero) About the French Revolution, which began in 1789, it is correct to say that:

a) was long prepared by the revolutionary cycle that took place in England in the 17th century, which explains the support that that country gave to French rebels.

b) it was mainly a cultural revolution, the culmination of the development of the so-called Enlightenment.

c) was not properly perceived as a relevant movement by its contemporaries, gaining importance only retrospectively, with the beginning of the Revolution of 1848.

d) did not imply significant changes in the dominant corporate order in the western world.

e) presented different phases, leading to a monarchical, anti-revolutionary and reactionary context, represented by the Congress of Vienna.

question 4

(IF-BA) In the context of the French Revolution in 1789, the image expresses a set of actions that became known as

A) Period of Terror, landmark of the persecutions of the “enemies of the revolution”, during the Jacobin dictatorship.

B) The Great Fear, the peasants' revolt against the French aristocracy that subjected them to a regime of serfdom.

C) Bourgeois Revolution, the starting point of the bourgeoisie's struggle against the privileges of the nobility and the clergy in France.

D) Napoleonic period, marked by the legitimization of peasant rebellion in the Civil Code to guarantee agrarian reform.

E) Fall of the Bastille, landmark of popular adhesion to the revolutionary movement initiated by the Third Estate in the General Assembly.

question 5

What did the Thermidorian reaction (which took place in 1794) represent?

a) The rise of the Jacobins, led by Maximilien de Robespierre.

b) The coup that put Napoleon Bonaparte in the French government.

c) The reaction of French troops in the battles fought against absolutist troops.

d) The reaction of the conservatives, who, under the Girondin leadership, overthrew the Jacobins from power.

e) The violence of the people against the members of the royal family who were still alive.

question 6

The French Revolution was a milestone in human history and is considered the trigger that started this conflict:

a) the regicide of Louis XVI.

b) Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's escape attempt.

c) the fall of the Bastille.

d) the invasion of France by Austrian troops.

e) the convocation of the Estates General.

question 7

The historian Eric Hobsbawm stated that the great demands of the bourgeoisie in the revolutionary context were manifested through the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This document stated:

a) the opposition of the hierarchical society of privileges over the nobility.

b) the interest of building a transformed and truly egalitarian society.

c) the defense of statist ideas that saw the State as the regulator of social problems.

d) the defense of an absolutist monarchy with the installation of the secular State.

e) the defense of socialist ideas with the emancipation of workers.

question 8

Regarding the French Revolution, select the alternative with the statement FALSE:

a) shortly before the revolutionary cycle, France had faced bad harvests.

b) King Louis XVI had tried to flee in 1791, being captured near the Belgian border.

c) the two great groups of the revolutionary period were the Girondins and the Jacobins.

d) the period of terror took place under the leadership of the Jacobins.

e) Olympe de Gouges' proposal, called the Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens, was well received at the French convention.

question 9

The Law of Suspects was passed during the period when the Jacobins were at the head of France. This law determined:

a) all Austrians were considered traitors.

b) all those suspected of betraying the revolution would be arrested.

c) all nobles were expelled from France.

d) confiscation of 90% of the assets of the French nobility.

e) expulsion of the clergy from French territory.

question 10

The 18th Brumaire coup is considered to be the event that ended the revolutionary cycle in France. Through this event, there was:

a) the return of absolutism in France.

b) Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power.

c) handing over French power to the Austrians.

d) the taking of Paris by the sans-cullottes.

e) appropriation of Catholic Church funds in France.

question 11

The French Revolution was one of the most remarkable moments in terms of popular mobilization. The defense of equality and the fight against the privileges of the French nobility immortalized which revolutionary motto:

a) Peace, bread and land

b) Liberty, equality and fraternity

c) God, country and family

d) Down with the bourgeoisie

e) It is forbidden to forbid

question 12

One ​​of the chapters of the French Revolution was the decree of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, in 1790. This document determined:

a) full freedom for the Catholic Church in France.

b) the expulsion of the Catholic Church from France.

c) the Church under the control of the French State.

d) a 45% tax on all Church income in France.

e) take all Church land to promote land reform.

answers Question 1

Letter A

The French Revolution took place in a scenario of economic crisis in France, as a result of the country's involvement in different conflicts and as a result of the country's excessive spending on superfluous things. The crisis reinforced dissatisfaction with the privileges of the nobility and clergy, opening space for revolts by the bourgeoisie, peasants and urban workers.

Question 2

Letter A

All alternatives are correct as they deal with the changes that took place in France and the French colonies during the revolutionary cycle. Measures in favor of equality and freedom for slaves, in addition to combating the privileges of nobles and clergy, actually took place.

Question 3

Letter E

The French Revolution actually had different phases that relied on the mobilization of different groups in French society. The reaction to the revolution was reactionary and aimed at putting an end to radical changes, and was therefore an anti-revolutionary act. The Conservative victory was achieved at the Congress of Vienna, which restored absolutism in France in 1815.

Question 4

Letter B

The great fear began shortly after the fall of the Bastille, and took place with the mobilization of the French peasantry against the country's nobility and clergy. Fearing that the revolutionary cycle would cause an increase in their exploitation, the peasants began to invade the properties of the privileged classes and promote looting.

Question 5

Letter D

The Thermidorian reaction, or coup of the 9th of Thermidor, was a coup organized by the Girondins against the Jacobins in July 1794. It was organized by the upper bourgeoisie and by more conservative groups in revolution, who wanted to remove the Jacobins from French power. With the coup, the Jacobins were overthrown, the directory was inaugurated, and the Jacobin leaders were guillotined.

Question 6

Letter C

The fall of the Bastille, or storming of the Bastille, was the event that inaugurated the French Revolution, taking place on July 14, 1789. The Bastille, although almost deactivated, was a great symbol of the oppression of the French Ancien Régime. The population of Paris, motivated by the revolutionary impetus that arose from the crisis that the country was experiencing, decided to attack this prison. From there, the revolution spread to France.

Question 7

Letter A

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is one of the landmarks of the French Revolution, being ratified on August 26, 1789. It defended the freedom and individual rights of all men, presenting them as equals. In practice, the document only preached against the privileges of the nobility and clergy and not necessarily against social inequalities.

Question 8

Letter E

The Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens was a document written by the writer Olympe de Gouges in 1791. She defended the equality of women in legal, political and social aspects with men , and was inspired by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, a document issued in 1789. Olympe's proposal was rejected by the convention, and her criticism of the revolution led the Jacobins to arrest her and announce her execution. on the guillotine.

Question 9

Letter B

The Law of Suspects was announced by the Jacobins in September 1793, and many consider it the beginning of revolutionary terror. The law required that people suspected of betraying the revolution be taken to revolutionary tribunals and tried as traitors to the French republic. The law allowed the arrest and execution of thousands of people by guillotine.

Question 10

Letter B

The 18th Brumaire coup took place in November 1899 and marked the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte to power in France. This coup was due to the weakening of the directory and the fear that it would not be able to contain France's enemies. A coup was then organized to establish a dictatorial government in France, and Napoleon emerged as an alternative ruler because he was a prestigious general in the French army.

Question 11

Letter B

Liberty, equality and fraternity was the motto of the French Revolution. It is said that one of the first to manifest it would have been Maximilien Robespierre, leader of the Jacobins and defender of more radical revolutionary changes in France.

Question 12

Letter C

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was debated by the National Constituent Assembly and was signed by King Louis XVI himself, on December 26, 1790. This law proposed sensible changes in the French clergy and sought to subjugate the Catholic Church in France, placing it under state control. The measure reinforced the clergy's adherence to counterrevolutionary ideas.