History quiz

Exercises on the fall of the Berlin Wall

question 1

(Unifenas) Germany remembers 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall

Germany yesterday celebrated 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall, when the east (communist) side closed its borders, splitting the city in two for 28 years and splitting families along quite. The division ended in November 1989 after East Germany opened the wall amid massive pressure from protesters and political openness in the Soviet Union.

(O Tempo, 14/08/2011, p.15)

The construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 aimed to:

a) prevent a military attack by the capitalist powers against the Soviet occupation zone.

b) reaffirm the division of Germany after World War II.

c) stop the flow of people into capitalist West Germany.

d) encourage the flow of people into communist East Germany.

e) end the ideological polarization between capitalism and communism in Germany.

question 2

(UFSC - Adapted) In November 2009, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was commemorated in various ways.

Regarding this topic, select the CORRECT statements and answer the final sum:

01. It was a symbolic division between two ideological blocs, socialism and capitalism, separated by a deep and irreconcilable division in the field of ideas, compared, therefore, to a wall.

02. The Berlin Wall was erected in the German capital by order of Adolf Hitler, as a show of strength of Nazism, to separate the Jews from the Germans.

04. It was built by determination of the forces that made up NATO, especially East Germany, having been a result of the Cold War.

08. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a necessity that was imposed in the face of Europe's new economic configuration, that is, the constitution of a bloc of countries that adopted the euro as their common currency.

16. Its construction was motivated to contain the emigration of East Germans, in large numbers, to the capitalist side, especially of highly qualified workers.

32. whereas the Allied Powers in World War II decided to divide Germany

in four zones of influence (American, Soviet, British and French), the fall of the wall was an inevitable consequence.

64. The Berlin Wall divided Germany's capital into a communist and a capitalist area, and it was up to the citizens to decide which side to settle on.

question 3

Concerning the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall, select the INCORRECT alternative:

a) After the Second World War, Germany (and consequently Berlin) was divided into four zones of influence.

b) The construction of the wall was a joint decision of the Soviet Union and East Germany.

c) Events that took place in Hungary and Poland were instrumental in the fall of the Wall in 1989.

d) The fall of the Berlin Wall opened the way for the reunification of the Germanies, something that took place in 1990.

e) The fall of the Berlin Wall happened because a false rumor about the end of the Soviet Union spread through Berlin.

question 4

Which of the following factors did not directly contribute to the fall of the Berlin Wall:

a) Economic crisis facing East Germany

b) Lack of freedom existing in the communist bloc

c) Election of a non-communist government in Poland

d) Selection of Alexander Dubcek as First Secretary of the Czechoslovak CP

e) Opening borders in Hungary

answers Question 1


The construction of the Berlin Wall began at the turn of the 12th to the 13th of August 1961, and its construction was approved by Nikita Khrushchev and Walter Ulbricht, leaders of the Soviet Union and East Germany . The wall was built with the aim of isolating West Berlin and preventing the flow of people moving into the capital of West Germany.

Question 2


The only correct statement is 16, so this is the sum number and the result of the exercise. Its construction was a joint decision of Walter Ulbricht and Nikita Khrushchev and represented a real division of the two Germanys, while symbolizing the division between capitalism and communism in the Cold War. It was intended to prevent the migration of inhabitants from East Germany to West Germany.

Question 3


The fall of the Berlin Wall began with an announcement by East German spokesman Günter Schabowski on November 9, 1989. The East German spokesman mistakenly announced , in an interview, that the new law on citizen mobility came into force immediately, and this caused thousands of people to crowd around the Wall and border posts demanding the right of passage. At the turn of the 9th to the 10th of November, people started tearing down the wall.

Question 4


Alexander Dubcek was elected First Secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party in 1968 and was a major figure in the Prague Spring, the attempt to reform Czechoslovak communism. This event, therefore, has no direct relationship with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.